International Desk: On Netaji Subhash-Chandra Bose's birthday, Chief Minister of Bengal Mamata Banerjee has demanded that India must have four rotating capitals, "The English ruled the entire India from Kolkata. Why should there be only one capital city in our country,” She demanded demanded that India must have four rotating capitals instead of just one national capital in Delhi.
She also demanded that parliamentary sessions be held in different locations of the country.
She made the demands she said while addressing a gathering here after participating in a rally in Kolkata on Saturday (January 23rd) to mark Netaji's 125th birth anniversary hours ahead of PM Narendra Modi's event to celebrate the day.
Mamata said, "Kolkata was once the capital of India, so let Kolkata be one of the capitals of India today." Besides, South India, North India and North East India should be declared as capital each For example, Kerala, Andhra Pradesh in South, Uttar Pradesh in North and Central India, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh and one of the states in North East India can be declared as the capital.
Regarding Netaji Subhas-Chandra Bose, Mamata said, "Saying Netaji's name creates emotion in my heart." Netaji cannot be known by reading a two-page booklets.
The Chief Minister of IWest Bengal also said, why Netaji's birthday should not be declared a national day and a national holiday? However, this will have to be announced today or tomorrow.
Mamata also aleged that there is a 'game' goimg on. The game to change the national antheme 'Jana Gana Mana' composed by Nobel Laureate poet Rabinranath Tagore. 'We will not allow to change our National anthem', she said.
Mamata Banerjee held a massive rally from Red Road to Shyam Bazar to mark Netazi's birthanniversary prior to Modi's proposed visit to Kolkata.
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