Asmaul Muttakin: Miracle, a reality show on Kolkata's Zee Bangla Channel, has been a popular show in West Bengal and Bangladesh for several years. Stand-up comedian Abidul Islam Rimon, son of Sylhet, has caught the eye by performing for the first time on the stage of popular comedy reality show 'Miracle-10'.
Performer of the Day has become the first Bangladeshi contestant in Season 10, including several 'Rasikratna' titles in the ongoing Miracle Season 10, with one great performance after another.
He entertained the spectators and judges of the two countries and took the opportunity to take part in the final of Miracle Season-10. And for all these reasons, there were high expectations around Abidul Islam Rimon, the son of Sylhet.
The whole of Bangladesh was looking at his success. Rimon had to move to Bangladesh suddenly after his father died. Then he got stuck in lockdown. He could not go to Kolkata to take part in the final as border communication with India was closed.
Meanwhile, the grand final of Miracle Season 10 has been held without Abidul Islam Rimon. The final episode will be telecast on G-Bangla next Sunday (May 23) at 8:30 pm.
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